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Shall we skip the small talk

And jump right in to our work.

Try out AR

Watch this Ashtronought stand besides you.

Mobile Icon

Try out VR

Immerce yourself in the Virtual World of Reality.

VR Glasses

It’s just insane

Humans are finally able to design their own world

You can literally place any freaking object onto the real world without creating it physically. This is Movie effects come to life. And in your phone ? This is next level.

Video Thumnail

Not just a toy anymore

AR & VR are being used many ways for Marketing and advertising

You can see so many companies taking the unseen path of marketing and advertising with these new technologies, which makes them truly stand out from the crowd.

Video Thumnail

In what ways can we create your Digital World ?

We can create immersive and real looking experiences in many forms and techonologies. Here are some of the ones that we are biased to.



Augmented Reality is the next level thing.Augmented Reality is the next level thing.

AR Anywhere

Bring virtual 3D charaters and objects to you home. AR doesn’t see no place and time.

Plug and Play

Just pulll out your phone and start playing with it. Augmented Reality can make you dreams come true. Ever dreamt of owning Pikachu ?

VR Glasses

Virtual Reality

Experience reality like never before with this fully immersive experience on VR.


Tell a story using

Instagram Filters

We use face detection to detect the Human Face and any movements that are happening to augment 3D or 2D objects onto your camera feed.

Human Face

Dare Your Partner for @weddin.go


to try it out

Enjoyed the ride ?

Now let us shed some light on how things work at ARGO

We are the best at creating AR VR Experiences

Just check out these carefully curated Positive Reviews

Team ARGO built some amazing looking effects and 3D stories for us to use in our classes. The students really enjoy them and the concepts just stick to their heads. Loved this new leap in the way we teach.

Ruchik Gandhi

Ruchik Gandhi

Sunalis Classes

The Instagram filter ARGO built for me and my company were just amazing ! Our Social Media engagement went through the roof with this one... One more line of praise to fit design properly.

Jyoti Pandey

Jyoti Pandey


And thats why we do it...

For the Praises :-)

Moon Icon

The virtual world has no borders.

That is exactly where we operate

World Virtual Map

the team

Abhay Amin

Certified by Google Daydream

AR/VR UX Designer


Jyoti Pandey

Project Manager

Software Developer


Saurav Punalekar

Lead Engineer

Algorithm Expert

Tech Lead

Can’t wait to get one ?

These are the few simple steps.

Step 1


We design the 3D Models

Our team of pro coders write all the codes behind your dream application. This process is done with a lot of care, designing custom algorithms and extensive testing. We have the most experienced set of programmers in the squad.

Step 2


We write the code

Once the app is ready and the 3D models are up for production, we integrate the 2 and now you can play around with the application, changing the models with ease and we work on further iterations to make better and better.

Step 3


You play !

We decide what 3D models will suit your application and then design them for you. We have professional 3D Artists who can make the best 3D models which look so good on the Augmented world !

Way to Step 1

Design Class

Augmented Reality is fairly new to Planet Earth, so untill now there are no proper conventions set to how to design the Applications in which we are going to view our Augmented World. At ARGO with past 50 AR applications that we built, we have specifically worked on this field of Augmented Reality where we try to make create the best Experience and the feeling of immersion in the application.

It’s not everyday design to make Augmented Objects look beautiful in the world God mde for us. It’s tough competetion. At the same time, trying to replicate the real world to an extent where the 3D object looks completely real doesn’t go well with the HUman brain. This is what we AR Developers call the “Uncanny Effect”.

It’s little things like these that we have mastered over the course of time to understand what works best and how a 3D Object can be Augmented in the real world with a feeling that this Virtual Object really exists !

Is there still some darkness ?

Well then you might find all the answers here.

Who designs the 3D models ?

Incase you (or your company) already have some 3D models ready made with you, our team can look into the possibility of using them. Or our team of expert 3D Developers (ex Bollywood) can get them made for you with ease. Rendering 3D models inside your handset is a heavyduty work, so it requires the 3D models to be as low poly (optimised) as possible. Something we have doing for many years now so know exactly how to work with it.

Can I add objects and charaters to my app later ?

Yes ofcourse. Once we have built your framework and the Application code, the 3D Models are just like adding characters to a game. Or catching a new Pokemon if you will. Many e-commerce apps require this feature where they first launch with AR effects for a few products and then come back to add more products to their app once they see the success it if getting them.

Can AR be built for e-commerce stores ?

One word answer. IKEA ! We have already worked on so many e-commerce Apps from the leading furniture brand in India to top notch Home Decor companies where they integrated Augmented Rality into their apps. This gives the customer a realism effect when they are planning to purchase something from the store. It gives them an idea of how the Product will look in their homes and also if it will actually fit there. This is trending more than anything.

Will the app work on all Android and iOS phones ?

All the Applications we build are Hybrid in nature, which means we use technologies that are equally compatible in Android and iOS. We do this so that you save time and money on building different applications for different platforms. This works faster even when you want to roll out updates, and update in the Android App will mean an update in the iOS App too. We also use compatible Server Architectures that will give the best performances for each of the platform.

Will it work on all the devices ?

Any device launched after 2012 this technology is definitely going to run on it. Android and iOS devices now come with special systems inside their phones that help with AR and VR. It’s AR Core for Android, and AR Kit for iOS. These additions into their OS helps us run AR and VR simulations smoothly. According to the stats 80% of the phones currently in use support these features. Basically anyone who bought a mobile phone after 2012 can play with AR VR. There are ways to circumvent this too, but we prefer building our Applications over the software improvements provided by Google and Apple for best quality.

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Which means you enjoyed our website.

So let’s meet up on a cup of coffee. You seem like our kind of a person :)

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+91 99699 83381